The Bargainator Story

The Bargainator Story

It's with a little bit of sadness but LOT'S of excitement we announce that Bargainator is flying the Molsoft nest with new features, design, and pricing!

It might seem like a lot has changed, but don't worry... our mission hasn't!

Bargainator is more committed than ever to grow your e-commerce sales.

Before we discuss the changes that have honed Bargainator 's skills, let's take a minute to reflect on how we got there.

The Bargainator Story

A long time ago in a place far, far away (ok, it was only 9 months and Canada isn't that far) The team at Molsoft launched Bargainator with one idea in mind:

To improve the discounting process and increase its conversion by incorporating gamification into the user experience.

Up until that time, unless discounts were based on an event - Boxing day etc - offerings were often boring, and could even devalue your brand. After all, who would give away discounts if the product was in high demand? This model really impacted conversion rates and we at Molsoft knew that a change was needed.

Then came Bargainator; powered by AI technology, this app changed the dynamic between the customer and the product. By giving shoppers the feeling that they have 'worked' for their discounts, and even having fun in doing so, they are far more inclined to use the offers given to them, therefore increasing conversion rates and boosting your brand.

Where Bargainator was born!

The idea was an instant success - even people with no e-commerce store were interested! Within just a few months we organically grew to over 1,000 installs.

As we grew, we were always looking for new challenges and enjoyed creating solutions for any problem that arose. We added new features to help make more sales and increase conversion. During that period, we also realized that it was not just about the discount, but reforming the entire shopping experience.

The greetings and announcement features

The negotiation feature was an immediate success, with merchants converting as efficiently as 8.5% of shoppers who engaged with Bargainator. Considering that the average conversion rate is between 1-2%, those number where huge!

Looking to encourage shoppers to bargain for their discount, we rolled out our greetings feature. This feature allowed the chatbot to welcome visitors onto the site. Pretty fast merchants were also using that feature to make announcements of their own regarding their brands or ongoing sales. Not only did this increase the number of shoppers who clicked to haggle for a discount but it also made customers feel personally welcomed as they arrive on site, just like they would in a store.

More clicks --> more sales!

From there we just kept adding sales features.

It became clear that we were not just a discount app anymore; Bargainator became an online sales assistant chatbot.

What Exactly is Bargainator?

Bargainator is a sales assistant chatbot powered by Artificial Intelligence that engages in real-time interaction with your visitors, growing your sales from the moment customers arrive on your site, using every skill it has.

Focusing on 3 main areas of expertise; engagement, re-targeting, and tracking, it deploys many skills to meet your objectives.

  • Greeting: Welcomes visitors to your site and makes announcements.
  • Capture Email: Innovative email capture.
  • Discount: Negotiate discounts with customers in real time on your behalf.
  • Make a deal: Increase conversions.
  • Retarget: Automatic re-targeting sequence to capture lost sales.
  • Abandonment chat, cart, and checkout: Tracks more leads than any other tool.
  • Volume Discount: Can negotiate discounts based on quantity.
  • Analyze shopper behavior: Gain knowledge in order to make personalized offers.

.. and there is more!

Visit to discover more skills in Bargainator toolkit.

New Pricing Structure

When we launched, our pricing was perfect for our initial product and intention. We wanted to drive merchants to use our app and gain relevant feedback from them in order to create a more efficient Bargainator. It worked out very well, and soon we were able to engineer a plan to make Bargainator the greatest sales assistant chatbot on the market.

The $9.95/month + transaction fee pricing was right at that time but as we added innovative features, it quickly became clear that it wasn't sustainable for us.

In order to keep improving and provide our users with as much value as possible, we needed a new economic model that would work for everyone. Bargainator is an intelligent sales assistant chatbot- so it seems only fair to base our price point on how effective we are at doing our job!

For that reason, we'll only charge you for the extra sales Bargainator makes you.

The New Pricing Plans

Our simple performance-based plan included all features. The objective is to grow your sales, so why would we provide you with only half the tools to do it?

From now, you'll be charged only for the extra sales, starting from $29/month. Visit our pricing page to see full pricing details pricing page

Please note:

If you've already installed Bargainator and are still in the trial period, we'll let you reach your first 250$ of sales as originally planned. You will need to approve charges once the trial period is over to move to a paid plan.

If you are a paying customer, you will be moved to our new pricing plan.

What's next?

The future is very exciting for Bargainator, we're going to roll out even more cool features for your benefit. Here is what we would like to achieve this year:

  • Tracking
  • Abandoned cart/checkout retargeting
  • Multi-discount
  • Upsell
  • Upgrading Chatbot
  • Customizable chatbot personality
  • Facebook Messenger
  • WooCommerce
  • BigCommerce

Everything we've achieved so far was done with your success in mind and we hope that with your support going forward, we will revolutionize the eCommerce shopping experience.

If you have any questions, don't be shy and get in touch!